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TCM Herbal Products For Women









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K19: Post-Delivery Recovery Granule


Ginseng, astragalus root, ovate atractylodes rhizome, cooked rehmannia root, tangkuei root, flowery knotweed root, motherwort, typha pollen, peach kernel, cyperus root, kelp.

Functions and Indications:

Tonifying qi, nourishing blood, expelling stasis, producing newness. This product is used to treat profuse bleeding after delivery, double deficiency of the qi and blood, aching pains of the loins, soft knees, fatigue.


To be taken orally after being dissolved in boiling water, one small sachet (twenty grams) each time, three times a day.


6 sachets/packet


Shenzhen Sanshun Herbal Product CO., LTD.



K20:  Uterine Masses Eliminating Capsule 


Cooked rehmannia root, leech, wingless cockroach, etc.

Functions and Indications:

Quickening blood circulation, expelling blood stasis, eliminating masses, breaking accumulation, nourishing blood and clearing heat. This product is used to help distending pains of the lower abdomen, purplish menstruation with clots which are due to blood stasis inside, masses and tumors, fibromyoma in the uterus.


To be taken orally, three capsules each time, three times a days. Pregnant women are not advised to use it. When during menstrual period, it is also not advisable to use it.


24 capsules/packet


Chendu Joint-Wit Herbal Product CO., LTD.



K21:   Menopause Calmness Capsule  


Rehmannia root, ophiopogon tuber, schisandra berry, uncaria thorn and stem, cooked rehmannia root, scrofularia root, alisma tuber, mother of pearl, moutan bark, curculigo, flowery knotweed root.

Functions and Indications:

Moistening yin, subduing yang, eliminating vexation, calming spirit. It is used for women's menopause period with symptoms, such as tidal fever, sweating, dizziness, tinnitus, irritability, insomnia, increased blood pressure, etc.


To be taken orally, three capsules each time, three times a day.


36 capsules/packet


Dong beihu Herbal Product CO., LTD.



   K22: Female Inflammation Recovery Tablet


Red peony root, tangkuei root, smooth greenbrier, sparganum, mellia toosendan, zedoary, corydalis tuber, euryale, flavescent sophora root, phellodendron bark, salvia root, cyperus root.

Functions and Indications:

Quickening blood circulation, transforming blood stasis, softening hardness, dissipating binding, clearing heat, detoxicating, stopping pains. This product is used to treat chronic appendagitis, cervicitis, vaginitis, cystitis, chronic appendicitis and urinary inflammation.


To be taken orally, six tablets each time, three times a day.

Pregnant women are not advised to use it.


18 tablets4/packet


Hunan Xiangquan Herbal Product CO., LTD.



K23:  Cervicitis-Recovering Suppository


Flavescent sophora root, borneol, apricot kernel, calcined talcum. 

Functions and Indications:

Clearing heat, drying dampness, reducing inflammation, producing flesh. This product is used locally to treat chronic and erosive cervicitis characterized by profuse leucorrhea, yellowish, foul even with pus and blood, lumbargo, sagging pains at the back and lower abdomen, a bitter taste in the mouth, dry lips, yellowish urine, constipation, itching private parts. 


Insert the suppository into the vagina, about 6 to 7 centimeters deep. This product should be used two or three days after the menstrual period. A suppository each time, once every second day. The method to use it is as follows. Before going to bed, taking a suppository, put on the small plastic sheath on the middle finger. Lying flat, flexing the two knees, insert the suppository into the vagina with the tip part of the suppository forward. Letting the suppository remain at the location which is about 6 to 7 centimeters deep inside the vagina. 


This product could not be used during pregnancy and menstrual period. Few cases could be found that the client feels local pains, swellings, itching and abdominal pains. If it is the case, corresponding medical deals should be offered by doctors.


7 suppositories/packet


Guangxi Kanghua Herbal Product CO., LTD.



K24: Inflammation Eliminating Suppository


Puccoon, phellodendron bark, flavescent sophora, calcined talcum, borneol.

Functions and Indications:

Clearing heat, detoxicating, drying dampness, killing worms, eliminating inflammation, producing flesh. This product is suitable for erosive cervicitis, vaginitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and UU, etc.


Insert a suppository into the vagina about a finger deep (6 to 7 centimeters). One suppository each time, once a day. There are plastic cases for you to put on the middle finger to help insert the suppository. 


5 suppositories/packet


Tonghua Wantong Herbal Product CO., LTD.



K25: Breast Masses Clearing Capsule


Bupleurum, unripe tangerine peel, trichosanthes bark, shancigu bulb, deer horn gelatin, sausurean root, fritillaria bulb, prunella spike, cordyceps, Paris root, tangkuei root.

Functions and Indications:

Rectifying qi, quickening blood circulation, softening hardness, dissipating masses. This product can be used to treat hyperplasia of the mammary glands, mammary fibro-adenoma, swelling and painful breast during menstruation.


To be taken orally, five to six capsules each time, three times a day.


60 capsules/packet


Guang Dong YongKang Herbal Product CO., LTD.



K26:  Rhubarb Wingless Cockroach Pill


Cooked rhubarb, wingless cockroach, leech, tabanus, lacquer, peach kernel, apricot kernel, scutellaria root, rehmannia root, white peony root, licorice.

Functions and Indications:

Quickening blood circulation, breaking blood stasis, opening meridian, dispersing conglomeration. This product is used to treat blockaded menstruation with the symptoms of internal lodging of blood stasis, abdominal masses, incrusted skin, darkness under the eye sockets, tidal fever in the afternoon, emaciation.


To be taken orally, three grams each time, once to twice a day.


3 grams12/packet


Xuzhou Yihai Herbal Product CO., LTD.



K27: Breast Recovering Tablet


Astragalus root, salvia root, prunella spike, sargasum, oyster shell, trichosanthes root, scrophularia root, sparganum, zedeory, myrrha, frankincense, fritillaria bulb.

Functions and Indications:

Soothing liver, resolving depression, rectifying qi, stopping pains, quickening blood circulation, breaking blood stasis, eliminating masses, transforming phlegm, softening hardness, dissipating binding, tonifying qi, strengthening spleen. This product is used to treat hyperplasia of mammary gland.


To be taken orally after meal, two to three tablets each time, three times a day. Twenty days make a treatment course. The second treatment course could go ahead after five to seven days interval.


Few patients may find slight nausea, diarrhea, advanced menstruation, profuse menstruation after taking it. This condition could recover naturally after stopping this product.

Pregnant women are not advised to use it. Please take it ten to fifteen days before menstruation.


24 tablets/packet


Ankang Zhengda Herbal Product CO., LTD.



K28: Women's Treasure Capsule


Ginseng, ligusticum root, lanceolate stellaria root, magnolia bark, corydalis tuber, sausurean, cyperus root, tangkuei root, schizonepata spike, salvia root, ass-hide glue, alisma tuber, lateral root of aconite, peach kernel, eucommia bark, achyranthes root, nutmeg, amomum.

Functions and Indications:

Adjusting menstruation, stopping bleeding, warming womb, stopping leucorrhoea, expelling stasis and producing newness. It can be used for irregular menstruation, lumbago and abdominal pains during menstruation, feeble limbs, profuse leucorrhoea and abdominal pains after delivery.


For oral use, four capsules each time, three times daily.


12 capsules/packet


Jilin Jibang Herbal Product Company.



K29: Cinnamom Twig Poria Capsule


Cinnamom twig, poria, moutan  root  bark , white peony root, peach kernel.

Functions and Indications:

Quickening blood circulation, removing stasis. It could be used to treat stasis clot, menstrual block, painful menstruation, postpartum persistent flow of lochia, hysteromyoma, chronic pelvic inflammation, endometriosis, cystic ovary.


To be taken orally after meals. Three capsules each time and three times a day. Stop the product during the menstrual period.


50 capsules/packet


Jiangsu Kangyuan Herbal Product CO., LTD.


This is the end of products in category K. 

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