Good to hear from you
again! we have sent two packages to you on Feb. 10th and
12th respectively, the first one is for your wife and second
one is for you. Please take your patience to wait it. We
have added some herbs for strengthen the immunity of your
wife. If you need any assistance, please free to let us
know. Thanks!
All the best,
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment@tcmtreatment.com
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 10:05 AM
Subject: Questions
Dr. MIng
2 Questions
When did you sent the herbs mi wife have only one week left
Did you check the blood test,
Will the herbs correct the number of the anti nuclear of the
anachoice screen
test that is high 1.1280 to 40
My Wife is taking the medicine as you prescribe and we see
some improvement
her spirits are high, the rest of the blood test was normal
her left hand fingers have a litle more range of movement
and is less inflamated
Dear 0140,
Thanks a lot for your kind
payment, we have confirmed it. We also have received your
wife's medical report. We are preparing the herbal tea for
you and your wife now. And once we ship the packages, I will
inform you. Thank again!
With kind regards,
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 9:40 AM
Subject: payment sent
Hi Dr. Ming
Please confirm I sent you an e mail with an attachment of
lab work and and MRI report about my wife
I sent pay pall payment for her treatment and mine number
I thank you again
Dear 0140,
Thank you for your kind email to update your wife's health.
Hope she will get better step by step. The second package
have been shipped to you on Jan. 10th, once you received it,
please inform us. Thanks!
Yours truthfully,
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment@tcmtreatment.com
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 12:33 PM
Subject: Fw: Thanks a lot for your kind payment!
Today my wife es 3 weeks into treatment
She has improved, but her fingers still stiff, and hand
painfull when touched
Her spirit is higher, she still has allergic reactions to
chemical, perfumes, cigarrete smokes, and foods
she exercise her hands at night after dipping her hands on
warn water with epson salts and she sleeps at nights with
plastic casts on her left hand
She complains to be kind of tired in the daytime like needer
more than 8 hours sleeptime
But I am optimist that the treatment will benefit her.
Dear 0140,
Thanks for your kind reply to let us know your wife's health
now. Hope the herbal tea will help your wife get a great
progress step by step. It is ok that she take the herbal tea
two times per day, one is before sleep time, the other time
is before breakfast. The herbal tea can restore flexibility
on her hands. Regarding to your wife's condition, we suggest
she had better take the herbal tea three to five months. If
there any doubt, please free to let us know. By the way, may
I know the name of your son in law? So I can check his email
record here. Thanks a lot!
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: How is wife's health now?
My wife began to take the medicine last Saturday night
The pain on her hands is less, before she had a lot of
pain she had trouble sleeping
She is sleeping better because there is not pain, not need
of motrin and benadril
the swelling is less .on her hands
the urine is normal
the feces is normal,
No alergies only body rash but is lesss
Spirit is lot better
She ask: she is taking medicine before sleep time
and at morning before breakfast its is that ok or has to be
before meals
Will this medicine will restore flexibility on her hands?
How long she sill need to take this compound?
I want to thank you, you have give us hope
Mi son in law filled the questionnaire Dec 24, he is very
sick hope you can help him?
Dear 0140,
Thank you for your kind payment! We have received it. We are
preparing the herbal tea for your wife now. It will take
about two weeks to reach you, please take your patience to
wait it. Thanks!
Best wishes,
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment@tcmtreatment.com
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 1:02 AM
Subject: Fw: How is your wife's health now?
i am setting the pay pall account for payment
Dear 0140,
Thanks very much for your trust and precious time to let us
know your health information in details. We have received
your patient form, all the information is very helpful to us
go through the correct diagnosis and treatment strategy for
After our experts checked your health form carefully, from
the idea of the traditional Chinese medicine, your disease
scleroderma is due to insufficiency of qi and
blood,obstruction of channels and network vessels. So our
treatment strategy is boost qi, nourish the blood, quicken
the blood circulation and free the network vessels.
Dear 0140, as to your condition, our experts suggest you'd
better come to our hospital about two months to make a
comprehensive treatment or take our herbal tea. According to
your disease case,we believe our TCM treatment will work
well to you and give you a satisfactory result step by step.
You are warmly welcome to our Huaihua Red Cross Hospital for
a full treatment, here we would use herbal tea combined with
massage as well as acupuncture, and adjust the formula daily
flexibly according to your reaction. So we are sure the
treatment result would be much better. As to our hospital,
it is located in Huaihua City, West Hunan province,
mid-south China. To come here, we could arrange everything
for your traveling, including tickets reservation and hotel
service, etc.
Dear 0140, if you are unable to come to our hospital now,
you can take 30 days herbal tea to see the effect, we will
send it to you by air shipping ,is that ok?
And if there is any doubt, please let us know. Thanks! Our
experts and I will try our best to help you!
Looking forward to hearing from you soon and best regards!
Dr. Ming
record #:2558 submit time:2007-11-26 11:39:25
Name: 0140
Gender: female
Marriage: Married
Child-bearing: 3
Age: 52
Height: 1.52 tall
Weight: 120 pounds in weight
Disease Period: 7 years long
Major Complaint:
taking prednisone 10 mgs because pain in the body if stop
taking hands get inflamed and painful, also hip painful,
tried to face it off taking 1 day intervals and pain got
blood-shot eyes
slightly whitish tongue body
itching throat
dry throat
spit thin and white phlegm
stabbing pains in the heart
aching pains of the shoulders and back
swollen and painful joints of the arms
swollen and painful joints of the legs
sweat at night
frequent waking up during sleep
yellowish urine
powerful pulse
80 to 100 wrist beats per minute
dry living environment
no family history with scleroderm no smoke soups, chicken
vegetables ,like fruit but alergic to oranges, grapes,
strawberries, milk, chocolate hobbies, handcrafts
Laboratory Check:
we will fax ist
Other Diseases:
When sintoms began first was allergy didn;t know that was
allergic to foods, suffer a lot till foun out, then the body
pains began injected diprospan every 2 o 3 months,reactions
were sweting insomnia, rednes for 3 days pain desapears but
was only temporal used for 3 years lately doctor prescribe
metrotrexate used 2 montns a lot of urination, pains in gums
to much nervous
2nd choice