The publishing House of Shanghai University of
TCM Published A Practical English-Chinese Library of Traditional Chinese
Medicine in 1990. The Library has bee well-known in the world ever since and has
made great contributions to the dissemination of traditional Chinese medicine in
the world. In view of the fact that 10 years has passed since its publication
and that there are certain errors in the explanation of traditional Chinese
medicine in the Library, the Publishing House has invited Nanjing University of
TCM and Shanghai University of TCM to organize experts to recompile and
translate the Library.
Nanjing University of TCM an Shanghai University
of TCM are well-known for their advantages in higher education of traditional
Chinese medicine and compilation of traditional Chinese medical textbooks. The
compilation of A Newly Compiled Practical English-Chinese Library of Traditional
Chinese Medicine has absorbed the rich experience accumulated by Nanjing
University of traditional Chinese Medicine in training international students of
traditional Chinese medicine. Compared with the previous Library, the Newly
compiled Library has made great improvements in many aspects, fully
demonstrating the academic system of traditional Chinese medicine. The whole
series of books has systematically introduced the basic theory and therapeutic
methods based on syndrome differentiation, expounding traditional Chinese
pharmacy and prescriptions; explaining 236 herbs, 152 prescriptions and 100
commonly-used patent drugs; elucidating 264 methods for differentiating
syndromes and treating commonly-encountered and frequently-encountered diseases
in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, traumatology and
orthopedics, ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology; introducing the basic
methods and theory of acupuncture and moxibustion, massage (tuina), life
cultivation and rehabilitation, including 70 kinds of diseases suitable
for acupuncture and moxibustion, 38 kinds of diseases for massage, examples of
life cultivation and over 20 kinds of commonly encountered diseases treated by
rehabilitation therapies in traditional Chinese medicine. For better
understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, the books are neatly illustrated.
There are 296 line graphs and 30 colored pictures in the Library with necessary
indexes, making it more comprehensive, accurate and systematic in disseminating
traditional Chinese medicine in the countries and regions where English is the
official language.
This Library is characterized by following
1. Scientific Based on the development of TCM in
education and research in the past 10 years, efforts have been made in the
compilation to highlight the gist of TCM through accurate theoretical exposition
and clinical practice aiming at introducing authentic theory and practice,
aiming at introducing authentic theory and practice to the world.
2. Systematic This Library contains 14 separate
fascicles, i. e. Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Diagnostics of
Traditional Chinese medicine, Science of Chinese materia Medica, Science of
Prescriptions Internal Medicine of traditional Chinese Medicine, Surgery of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gynecology of traditional Chinese Medicine,
pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traumatology and orthopedics of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ophthalmology of Traditional Chinese medicine,
otorhinolaryngology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Acupuncture and
Moxibustion, Chinese Tuina (Massage), and Life cultivation and Rehabilitation of
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
3. Practical compared with the previous Library,
the Newly compiled Library has made great improvements an supplements,
systematically introducing therapeutic methods for treating over 200 kinds of
commonly and frequently encountered diseases, focusing on training basic
clinical skills in acupuncture and moxibustion tuina therapy, life cultivation
and rehabilitation with clinical case reports.
4. Standard This Library is reasonable in
structure, distinct in categorization, standard in terminology and accurate in
translation with full consideration of habitual expressions used in countries
and regions with English language as the mother tongue.
This series of books is not only practical for
the beginners with certain competence of English to study TCM, but also can
serve as authentic textbooks for international students in universities and
colleges of TCM in China to study and practice TCM for those from TCM field who
are going to go abroad to do academic exchange, this series of books will
provide them with unexpected convenience.
Professor Xiang ping, President of Nanjing
University of TCM, is the director of the compilation Board. professor Zuo Yanfu
from Nanjing University of TCM, General Compiler-in-Chef, is in charge of the
compilation. Zhang Wenkang, Minister of health Ministry, is invited to be the
honorary director of the Editorial Board. Li Zhenji, Vice-Di-rector of the Sate
Administrative Bureau of TCM, is invited to be the director of the Approval
Committee. Chen Keji, academician of China Academy, is invited to be the General
Advisor. International advisors invited are Mr. M. S. Khan, Chairman of Ireland
Acupuncture and Moxibustion Fund; Miss Alessandra Guli, Chairman of "
Nanjing Association" in Rome, Italy; Doctor Secondo Scarsella, Chief Editor
of YI DAO ZA ZHI; President Raymond K. Carroll from Australian Oriental Touching
Therapy College; Ms. Shulan Tang, Academic Executive of ATCM in Britain; Mr.
Glovanni Maciocia from Britain; Mr. David, Chairman of American Association of
TCM; Mr. Tzu Kuo Shih, director of Chinese Medical Technique Center in
Connecticut, America; Mr. Helmut Ziegler, director of TCM center in Germany; and
Mr. Isigami Hiroshi from Japan. Chen Ken, official of WHO responsible for the
Western Pacific Region, has greatly encouraged the compilers in compiling this
series of books. After the accomplishment of the compilation, Professor Zhu
Qingsheng, Vice-Minister of Health Ministry and Director of the Sate
Administrative Bureau of TCM, has set a high value on the books in his foreword
for the Library. Zhang Xiaorui, an official from WHO's Traditional Medicine
Program, has paid great attention to the compilation and written a foreword for
the Library. The officials from the educational organizations of China in other
countries have provided us with some useful materials in our compilation. They
are Mr. Zhang Yiqun, China Consul to Manchester in Britain; Miss Yan Meihua,
consul to Houston in America; Mr. Wang Jiping, First Secretary in the
Educational Department in the Embassy of China to France; and Mr. Gu Shengying,
the Second Secretary in the Educational Department in the embassy of China to
Germany. We are grateful to them all.
The Compilers
December, 2000.